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Sanya's Stash Category: Incredible Hulk Contact User
Publisher Title Issue # Published Issue Info Img
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk (1962-1963) 1A May, 1962 The Coming of the Hulk / The Hulk Strikes! / The Search For the Hulk / Enter... The Gargoyle! / The Hulk Triumphant! L
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk (1962-1963) 2 July, 1962 The Terror of the Toad Men: Enter... The Toad Men / Prisoners of the Toad Men! / Bruce Banner, Wanted For Treason! / Hulk Runs Amok! / The End of the Hulk? L
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk (1962-1963) 3 September, 1962 Banished to Outer Space; The Origin of the Hulk!; The Ringmaster L
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk (1962-1963) 4 November, 1962 The Monster and the Machine!; The Gladiator From Outer Space! L
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk (1962-1963) 5 January, 1963 Beauty and the Beast!; The Hordes of General Fang! L
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk (1962-1963) 6 March, 1963 The Metal Master!; Hulk Stories Continued in Tales to Astonish #59 L