Public Stash
Visionary's Wish List Category: Alpha Flight Contact User
Publisher Title Issue # Published Issue Info Img
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 58 May, 1988 Liveworld L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 65 December, 1988 When Robots Dream! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 66 January, 1989 Killing Me Softly With His Word Processor! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 67 February, 1989 Wrath of the Dreamqueen, Part 1: The Ties That Bind L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 68 March, 1989 Wrath of the Dreamqueen, Part 2: All That We Are... L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 69 April, 1989 Wrath of the Dreamqueen, Part 3: And All That We Seem... L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 70 May, 1989 Wrath of the Dreamqueen, Part 4: ...Is But a Dream Within a Dream. L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 71 June, 1989 Power Plays L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 72 July, 1989 End Game L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 72 July, 1989 End Game L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 75 October, 1989 Tigers in the Rain L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 76 Early November, 1989 Bad News L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 77 Mid November, 1989 Shattered Design L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 78 December, 1989 Omens L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 79 December, 1989 Outsiders L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 80 January, 1990 Counter Moves L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 81 February, 1990 The Quest For Northstar, Part 1: Prisoners L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 82 March, 1990 The Quest For Northstar, Part 2: The Under Kingdom L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 83 April, 1990 Talisman (The Second) L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 83 April, 1990 Talisman (The Second) L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 84 May, 1990 Earth War, Part 1: The Big Picture L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 85 June, 1990 Earth War, Part 2: Marching to Doom L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 86 July, 1990 Earth War, Part 3: The End of All Things L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 87 August, 1990 Building Blocks, Part 1: Loyalty L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 88 September, 1990 Building Blocks, Part 2: Trust L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 89 October, 1990 Building Blocks, Part 3: Faith L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 90 November, 1990 Building Blocks, Part 4: Strength L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 91 December, 1990 A Thirst For Power L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 92 January, 1991 Compromising Positions L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 93 February, 1991 Playgrounds of the Mind L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 94 March, 1991 Mind Over Matter L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 95 April, 1991 Life Lines L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 96 May, 1991 Slave to the World L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 97 June, 1991 The Final Option, Part 1: Decisions of Faith L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 98 July, 1991 The Final Option, Part 2: Decisions of Strength L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 100 September, 1991 The Final Option, Part 4: Decisions of Trust! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 101 October, 1991 Death and How to Live It L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 102 November, 1991 El Equipo Primero! Part 1: ...I Want to Live L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 104 January, 1992 Headache L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 105 February, 1992 The Bachelor Party! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 106A March, 1992 The Walking Wounded L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 107 April, 1992 World Tour '92, Part 1: Rage Against the Dying of the Light! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 108 May, 1992 World Tour '92, Part 2: The Global Village L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 110B July, 1992 Bare Bones, Part 1; Direct Edition L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 111B August, 1992 Bare Bones, Part 2; Direct Edition L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 112B September, 1992 Bare Bones, Part 3; Direct Edition L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 113B October, 1992 Speaking of Experience; Direct Edition L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 114B November, 1992 Bloodline!; Direct Edition L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 115B December, 1992 Extreme Prejudice, Part 1; Direct Edition L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 116B January, 1993 Extreme Prejudice, Part 2; Direct Edition L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 119 April, 1993 The Clampdown! Part 2 L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 120A May, 1993 The Clampdown! Part 3; Not Polybagged L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 120B May, 1993 The Clampdown! Part 3; Polybagged w/ Poster L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 121 June, 1993 The Return of the Brass Bishop! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 122 July, 1993 Holy Terror! Part 1; Brothers in Arms! Part 1 L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 123 August, 1993 Holy Terror! Part 2; Brothers in Arms! Part 2 L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 126 November, 1993 Dead Reckoning!, Part 2; Trial and Error! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 127 December, 1993 Faith!; Blind Fury L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 128 January, 1994 No Future, Part 1: Perfect World! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 129 February, 1994 No Future, Part 2: Ordeal! L
Marvel Comics Alpha Flight (1983-1994) 130 March, 1994 No Future, Part 3: The Hollow Man! L