Public Stash
bappad's Stash Category: amalgam Contact User
Publisher Title # of Issues
DC Comics/Amalgam Amazon (1996) 3
DC Comics/Amalgam Assassins (1996) 3
DC Comics/Amalgam Bat-Thing (1997) 1
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1996) 2
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Bullets and Bracelets (1996) 2
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Challengers of the Fantastic 1
DC Comics/Amalgam Dark Claw Adventures (1997) 2
DC Comics/Marvel Comics DC Versus Marvel (1996) 5
DC Comics/Marvel Comics DC/Marvel: All Access 4
DC Comics/Amalgam Doctor StrangeFate (1996) 3
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Exciting X-Patrol 1
DC Comics/Amalgam Generation Hex (1997) 2
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Iron Lantern (1997) 1
DC Comics/Amalgam JLX (1996) 3
DC Comics/Amalgam JLX Unleashed (1997) 2
DC Comics/Amalgam Legends of the Dark Claw (1996) 4
DC Comics/Amalgam Lobo the Duck (1997) 2
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Magnetic Men Featuring Magneto (1997) 1
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Speed Demon (1996) 2
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Spider-Boy (1996) 2
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Spider-Boy Team-Up (1997) 1
DC Comics/Amalgam Super Soldier: Man of War (1997) 1
Marvel Comics/Amalgam Thorion of the New Asgods (1997) 2
Marvel Comics/Amalgam X-Patrol (1996) 2