'Nam (1986-1993) Marvel Comics |
1 |
2099 Unlimited (1993-1995) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Adventures of Spider-Man (1996-1997) Marvel Comics |
13 |
Adventures of Spider-Man/X-Men (1996-1997) Marvel Comics |
12 |
Amalgam Age of Comics: The Marvel Comics Collection (1996) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998) Marvel Comics |
8 |
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Marvel Comics |
2 |
Amazing Spider-Man: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic (2011-Present) Marvel Comics |
5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga Epic (2010-2011) Marvel Comics |
7 |
Amazing Spider-Man: The Complete Collection (2006) (Digital) GIT Corp |
1 |
Avengers (1963-1996) Marvel Comics |
4 |
Avengers Epic Collection (2013-Present) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Avengers West Coast (1989-1994) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Avengers/X-Men: Maximum Security Marvel Comics |
1 |
Avengers: United They Stand (1999-2000) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Best of Marvel (1994-1996) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Counter X (2008-2013) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Daredevil (1964-1998) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Darkhawk (1991-1995) Marvel Comics |
21 |
Darkhawk Classic (2012) Marvel Comics |
1 |
DC Versus Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus DC Comics/Marvel Comics |
2 |
Deadpool & X-Force Omnibus (2017) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Deadpool (1997-2002) Marvel Comics |
4 |
Deadpool By Joe Kelly Omnibus (2014) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Deadpool Classic (2008-Present) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Essential Punisher (2004-Present) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Essential Wolverine (1997-Present) Marvel Comics |
3 |
Excalibur (1988-1998) Marvel Comics |
32 |
Excalibur Visionaries: Alan Davis Marvel Comics |
1 |
Fantastic Four (1961-1996) Marvel Comics |
5 |
Fantastic Four Epic Collection Marvel Comics |
2 |
Gambit (1999-2001) Marvel Comics |
5 |
Generation X (1994-2001) Marvel Comics |
22 |
Ghost Rider and Cable: Servants of the Dead (1992) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Green Goblin: A Lighter Shade of Green (2011) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy By Jim Valentino (2014-Present) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Hellstorm: Prince of Lies (1993-1994) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Infinity War (1992) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Iron Fist: Book of Changes Marvel Comics |
1 |
Iron Man (1968-1996) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Machine Man/Bastion (1998) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Magneto and the Magnetic Men (1996) Marvel Comics/Amalgam |
2 |
Marvel Adventures (1997-1998) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Comics Presents (1988-1995) Marvel Comics |
6 |
Marvel Premiere Classic Library (2006-2013) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Namor the Sub-Mariner (1990-1995) Marvel Comics |
2 |
New Warriors (1990-1996) Marvel Comics |
6 |
New Warriors Classic (2009-2011) Marvel Comics |
1 |
New Warriors Omnibus (2013) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1989-1993) Marvel Comics |
15 |
Night Thrasher (1993-1995) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Nightwatch (1994-1995) Marvel Comics |
7 |
Onslaught (1996) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Punisher (1987-1995) Marvel Comics |
8 |
Punisher: Barbarian With a Gun (2009) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Punisher: War Journal (1988-1995) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Punisher: War Zone (1992-1995) Marvel Comics |
27 |
Slingers (1998-1999) Marvel Comics/Wizard |
1 |
Soviet Super Soldiers (1992) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Spectacular Spider-Man (1976-1998) Marvel Comics |
4 |
Speed Demon (1996) Marvel Comics/Amalgam |
2 |
Spider-Man (1990-1998) Marvel Comics |
51 |
Spider-Man 2099 (1992-1996) Marvel Comics |
3 |
Spider-Man Clone Saga Omnibus Marvel Comics |
1 |
Spider-Man: Birth of Venom Marvel Comics |
1 |
Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage Marvel Comics |
1 |
Spider-Man: Revelations (1997) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Spider-Man: The Lost Years (1995-1996) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Spider-Man: The Vengeance of Venom Marvel Comics |
1 |
Spider-Man: Venom Returns Marvel Comics |
1 |
Uncanny X-Men (1963-2011) Marvel Comics |
8 |
Uncanny X-Men: Fatal Attractions (2012) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Very Best of Spider-Man (1994) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Web of Scarlet Spider (1995-1996) Marvel Comics |
5 |
Web of Spider-Man (1985-1995) Marvel Comics |
11 |
What If? (1989-1998) Marvel Comics |
3 |
Witch For Hire Marvel Comics |
3 |
Wolverine (1988-2003) Marvel Comics |
9 |
Wolverine: Blood Hungry (1993) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Wolverine: Blood Wedding (2013) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Wolverine: Prehistory (2017) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Wolverine: Typhoid's Kiss (1994) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Wolverine: Weapon X Unbound (2017) Marvel Comics |
2 |
X-Factor (1986-1998) Marvel Comics |
4 |
X-Factor Visionaries: Peter David (2006-2008) Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Force (1991-2002) Marvel Comics |
6 |
X-Force Omnibus (2013) Marvel Comics |
2 |
X-Force: Assault on Graymalkin (2011) Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Force: Under the Gun (2011) Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Man (1995-2001) Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Men Origins: Gambit (2016) Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Men Universe (2000-2001) Marvel Comics |
3 |
X-Men Unlimited (1993-2003) Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Men/Avengers: Onslaught Omnibus Marvel Comics |
3 |
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (2005) Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Men: Bishop's Crossing (2012) Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Men: Danger Room Battle Archives Marvel Comics |
1 |
X-Men: The Complete Onslaught Epic (2008-2009) Marvel Comics |
2 |
X-Men: Twilight - The Age of Apocalypse (2016) Marvel Comics |
1 |