100 Greatest Marvels of All Time (2001) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Adventures of Jerry Lewis (1957-1971) DC Comics |
3 |
Amazing Adventures (1970-1976) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Amazing Adventures (1979-1981) Marvel Comics |
4 |
Astonishing Tales (1970-1976) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Batman (1940-2011) DC Comics |
1 |
Batman/Superman World's Finest The Silver Age Omnibus DC Comics |
1 |
Blackhawk (1944-1984) DC Comics |
4 |
Brave and the Bold (1955-1983) DC Comics |
1 |
Captain America (1968-1996) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Captain America Epic Collection Marvel Comics |
2 |
Captain Marvel (1968-1979) Marvel Comics |
8 |
Captain Savage (1968-1970) Marvel Comics |
5 |
Challengers of the Unknown (1958-1978) DC Comics |
18 |
Classic X-Men (1986-1990) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Dark Shadows (1969-1976) Gold Key Comics |
9 |
Dark Shadows (1969-1976) Whitman Publishing, LLC |
2 |
Dark Shadows: The Best of the Original Series Hermes Press |
1 |
Dark Shadows: The Complete Original Series (2010-2012) Hermes Press |
2 |
DC Comics Presents: Brightest Day DC Comics |
1 |
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest (1980-1982) DC Comics |
3 |
DC Special Series (1977-1981) DC Comics |
1 |
DC Universe Secret Origins (2012) DC Comics |
2 |
Deadman (1985) DC Comics |
1 |
Deadman (2011-2014) DC Comics |
2 |
Deadman Collection (2001) DC Comics |
2 |
Detective Comics (1937-2011, 2016-Present) DC Comics |
4 |
Doom Patrol (1964-1968) DC Comics |
37 |
Doom Patrol (1973) DC Comics |
3 |
Doom Patrol Archives DC Comics |
5 |
Doom Patrol The Silver Age Omnibus DC Comics |
3 |
Essential Captain America Marvel Comics |
1 |
Essential Captain Marvel (2008-Present) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Essential Classic X-Men (2006-2009) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Essential Marvel Saga (2008-2009) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Essential X-Men (1997-Present) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Essential X-Men (2006-Present) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Essential X-Men (2008-Present) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Even More Secret Origins (2003) DC Comics |
1 |
Fox and the Crow (1951-1968) DC Comics |
1 |
G.I. Combat (1952-1987) DC Comics |
3 |
Giant-Size X-Men (1975-2005) Marvel Comics |
4 |
Giant-Size X-Men (1975-2005) Panini Comics |
1 |
Grimm's Ghost Stories (1972-1982) Gold Key Comics |
21 |
Grimm's Ghost Stories (1972-1982) Whitman Publishing, LLC |
5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy By Jim Valentino (2014-Present) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Guardians Of The Galaxy Epic Collection Marvel Comics |
1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: Earth Shall Overcome (2009) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers (2012-2013) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Guardians Of The Galaxy: Tomorrow's Heroes Omnibus Marvel Comics |
1 |
House of Mystery (1951-1983) DC Comics |
8 |
House of Secrets (1956-1978) DC Comics |
1 |
It Ryhmes With Lust Dark Horse Comics |
1 |
Marvel 75 Years Omnibus (2014) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Collectible Classics: X-Men (1998) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Marvel Comics Presents X-Men (1988) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Firsts: The 1960s (2011) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Firsts: The 1970s (2012) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Illustrated Books: The X-Men Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Masterworks (1987-2002) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (2005-Present) Marvel Comics |
6 |
Marvel Masterworks: Ka-Zar Marvel Comics |
2 |
Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders Marvel Comics |
2 |
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men (2003-Present) Marvel Comics |
8 |
Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Marvel Comics |
10 |
Marvel Milestone Edition: Giant-Size X-Men (1991) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Milestones: Ghost Rider, Black Widow & Iceman (2005) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Premiere Classic Library (2006-2013) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Marvel Saga (1985-1987) Marvel Comics |
1 |
Marvel Super-Heroes (1967-1982) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Marvel Superheroes (UK) (1979-1983) Marvel UK |
1 |
Marvel Ultimate Graphic Novels Collection (UK) (2011-Present) Marvel Comics/Hachette Partworks |
1 |
Mighty Samson (1964-1982) Gold Key Comics |
1 |
Mighty Samson (1964-1982) Whitman Publishing, LLC |
1 |
My Greatest Adventure (1955-1964) DC Comics |
3 |
Mystery in Space (1951-1981) DC Comics |
2 |
Phantom Stranger (1969-1976, 2010) DC Comics |
2 |
Plastic Man (1966-1977) DC Comics |
8 |
Plastic Man 80-Page Giant (2004) DC Comics |
1 |
Plop (1973-1976) DC Comics |
1 |
Sea Devils (1961-1967) DC Comics |
1 |
Secrets of Haunted House (1975-1982) DC Comics |
3 |
Sgt. Fury (1963-1981) Marvel Comics |
2 |
Showcase Presents: Challengers of the Unknown DC Comics |
1 |
Showcase Presents: Eclipso DC Comics |
1 |
Showcase Presents: Green Arrow DC Comics |
1 |
Showcase Presents: Jonah Hex (2005-Present) DC Comics |
1 |
Showcase Presents: Showcase DC Comics |
1 |
Showcase Presents: The Brave and the Bold - Batman Team-Ups DC Comics |
1 |
Showcase Presents: The Doom Patrol DC Comics |
2 |
Showcase Presents: Weird War Tales (2012) DC Comics |
1 |
Showcase Presents: World's Finest (2007-Present) DC Comics |
1 |
Special Edition X-Men (1983) Marvel Comics |
3 |
Stanley and His Monster (1968) DC Comics |
4 |
Star Trek (1967-1979) Gold Key Comics |
4 |
Star Trek (1967-1979) Whitman Publishing, LLC |
3 |
Star Trek: Gold Key Archives (2014-Present) IDW Publishing |
1 |
Steve Ditko Omnibus (2011-2012) DC Comics |
1 |
Strange Adventures (1950-1973) DC Comics |
2 |
Supergirl (1972-1974) DC Comics |
1 |