Marvel Comics Presents (1988-1995)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
96B December, 1991 Wild Frontier, Part 4: Danger in the Hills!; And Ye Shall Remember This Day, Part 4: Salvation; Servants of the Dead, Part 7: The Bride; The Class Clown; Direct Edition; Cover by Sam KiethL
97B January, 1992 Wild Frontier, Part 5: Blind Fury; Collision Course; Servants of the Dead, Part 8: Death's Servant; Where Everyone Knows Your Alias...; Direct Edition; Cover by Sam KiethL
98B January, 1992 Wild Frontier, Part 6: Final Frontier; Wild at Heart; D'Spryte Times, D'Spryte Measures, Part 1; Worthy of the Name!; Direct Edition; Cover by Sam KiethL
99B February, 1992 Hauntings; Razer's Edge; D'Spryte Times, D'Spryte Measures, Part 2: Fallen Spirits; Has Anybody Seen My Gal?; Direct Edition; Cover by Sam KiethL