Marvel Two-In-One (1974-1983)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
33B November, 1977 From Stonehenge... With Death!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
50B April, 1979 Remembrance of Things Past!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
51C May, 1979 Full House--Dragons High!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
52C June, 1979 A Little Knight Music!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
54C August, 1979 The Pegasus Project, Part 2: Blood and Bionics; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
56C October, 1979 The Pegasus Project, Part 4: The Deadlier of the Species!; UK Edition; Cover by John ByrneL
57C November, 1979 The Pegasus Project, Part 5: When Walks Wundarr!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
58C December, 1979 The Pegasus Project, Part 6: To the Nth Power!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
60C February, 1980 Happiness is a Warm Alien!; UK Edition; Cover by Bob BudianskyL
61C March, 1980 The Coming of Her!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
62C April, 1980 The Taking of Counter-Earth!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
63C May, 1980 Suffer Not a Warlock to Live!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
64C June, 1980 The Serpent Crown Affair!, Part 1: From the Depths; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
66C August, 1980 The Serpent Crown Affair!, Part 3: A Congress of Crowns!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
70C December, 1980 A Moving Experience; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL