Marvel Two-In-One (1974-1983)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
50B April, 1979 Remembrance of Things Past!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
53C July, 1979 The Pegasus Project, Part 1: The Inner War!; UK Edition; Cover by John ByrneL
54C August, 1979 The Pegasus Project, Part 2: Blood and Bionics; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
55C September, 1979 The Pegasus Project, Part 3: Giants in the Earth; UK Edition; Cover by Keith PollardL
56C October, 1979 The Pegasus Project, Part 4: The Deadlier of the Species!; UK Edition; Cover by John ByrneL
100B June, 1983 Aftermath!; Direct Edition; Cover by Ron WilsonL