Spectacular Spider-Man (1976-1998)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
66A May, 1982 --Electro Will Be Free!; Newsstand Edition; Cover by Edward Hannigan - 'Ed Hannigan'L
134A January, 1988 Return of the Sin-Eater, Part 1: Sin-Cere; Newsstand Edition; Cover by Sal BuscemaL
135A February, 1988 Return of the Sin-Eater, Part 2: Sin-Thesis; Newsstand Edition; Cover by Sal BuscemaL
136A March, 1988 Return of the Sin-Eater, Part 3: Sin-Ister; Newsstand Edition; Cover by Sal BuscemaL
157 November, 1989 Shakedown; Cover by Sal BuscemaL