GeNext (2008)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
4 October, 2008 Runaways, Part 4: Hot Pursuit!; Woof 'R' Eam; Lone Wolvie and Chris; The X-Men vs. the Iron... Sentinels?; Four Pages With Starchy; Mutant Beach Party, Part 2; The Big Race!; The Iron Avengers, Part 5: Iron Man's Late Revenge on Iron Hawkeye; The Iron Avengers, Part 6: Iron Cap Does Not Have Super-Powers, Does He?; The Iron Avengers, Part 7: The X-Men vs. the Iron... Sentinels?; The Iron Avengers, Part 8: Iron Thor Doth Wear Baggy Pants; The Wacky Disciple Of Doctor Deranged!; What If Shang-Chew Were A Fast Food Cook?; When Titans Clash!; Cover by Doug Alexander GregoryL
TP February, 2009 Runaways; If Magneat-O Should Clobber Us...; Ill-Conceived Characters Couplings, or: Team-Ups That Will Probably Never Get Their Own Limited Series...; It's the Thought That Counts; Lone Wolvie and Chris; Mutant Beach Party!; Runaways, Part 1: Where Do We Go From Here?; Runaways, Part 2: Datenight; Runaways, Part 3: Flight; Runaways, Part 4: Hot Pursuit!; Runaways, Part 5: Call Us GeNext!; The Soul of a Poet; The X-Men Classic; The X-Men vs. the Iron... Sentinels?; Woof 'R' Eam; A Girl and Her Dragon; A Salute to the Silver Age; Bat-Man; Bratman and Bunny; Ecchs-Force; Fear; Fed Up!; Four Pages With Starchy; Great X-Men in History; Guardians of the Crosswalk; Homecoming Around Again; Ice Queen; Men Fear the Blob; Milk Run; Mutant Beach Party, Part 2; Mutant Mishaps; Novermore; One Day In The Comics Shop; Silver Age Sillines; Slver Age Silliness; The Big Race!; The Eccentrics, Part 2; The Iron Avengers, Part 5: Iron Man's Late Revenge on Iron Hawkeye; The Iron Avengers, Part 6: Iron Cap Does Not Have Super-Powers, Does He?; The Iron Avengers, Part 7: The X-Men vs. the Iron... Sentinels?; The Iron Avengers, Part 8: Iron Thor Doth Wear Baggy Pants; The Key; The Mental Might of Marvel Girl; The Museum of Oddities; The Sound of Music; The Wacky Disciple Of Doctor Deranged!; Top Ten TV Episodes... That Don't Feature Mutants; What If Shang-Chew Were A Fast Food Cook?; When Super Heroes Have a Bad Day; When Titans Clash!; Cover by Doug Alexander GregoryL