Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2009-2010)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
1A November, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 1: The White Knight; The Macabre Moon Knight!; The Macabre Moon Knight!; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL
1B November, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 1: The White Knight; The Macabre Moon Knight!; The Macabre Moon Knight!; Variant Edition; Cover by Alex RossL
1C November, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 1: The White Knight; The Macabre Moon Knight!; The Macabre Moon Knight!; 1:25 Variant; Cover by David FinchL
1D November, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 1: The White Knight; The Macabre Moon Knight!; The Macabre Moon Knight!; Sketch Cover; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL
1E November, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 1: The White Knight; The Macabre Moon Knight!; The Macabre Moon Knight!; Dynamic Forces Exclusive; Cover by Alex RossL
1F November, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 1: The White Knight; The Macabre Moon Knight!; The Macabre Moon Knight!; 2nd Printing; Cover by David FinchL
2A December, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 2: The Sentry's Curse; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL
2B December, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 2: The Sentry's Curse; Zombie Variant; Cover by Francesco MattinaL
2C December, 2009 Shock and Awe, Part 2: The Sentry's Curse; 2nd Printing; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL
3 January, 2010 Shock and Awe, Part 3: The Bushman Cometh; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL
4 February, 2010 Shock and Awe, Part 4: Full Moon; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL
5 April, 2010 Shock and Awe, Part 5: Past is Prologue; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL
6 May, 2010 Shock and Awe, Part 6: Knight Falls; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL
7A June, 2010 Killed, Not Dead, Part 1; Cover by Michael Choi - 'Mike Choi'L
7B June, 2010 Killed, Not Dead, Part 1; Iron Man by Design Variant; Cover by Adi GranovL
8A July, 2010 Killed, Not Dead, Part 2: Sweet Slumber; Cover by Bryan HitchL
8B July, 2010 Killed, Not Dead, Part 2: Sweet Slumber; Heroic Age Variant; Cover by Josh MedorsL
9 August, 2010 Collision; Cover by J. Scott CampbellL
10A September, 2010 Team Player; Cover by Francesco MattinaL
10B September, 2010 Team Player; 2nd Printing; Cover by Juan Jose RypL
TP Vol 1 September, 2010 Shock and Awe; Shock and Awe, Part 1: The White Knight; Shock and Awe, Part 2: The Sentry's Curse; Shock and Awe, Part 3: The Bushman Cometh; Shock and Awe, Part 4: Full Moon; Shock and Awe, Part 5: Past is Prologue; Shock and Awe, Part 6: Knight Falls; The Macabre Moon Knight!; The Macabre Moon Knight!; Cover by Leinil Francis YuL