Civil War: The Underside (2010)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
HC December, 2010 Civil Disobedience; How I Won the War, Part 1: Bring on the Bad Guys; How I Won the War, Part 2: Dead Soldiers; How I Won the War, Part 3: Mutually Assured Destruction; Midnight Sun, Part 1: The Woodwork; Midnight Sun, Part 2: The Dead Don't Stay; Midnight Sun, Part 3: For the Occasion; Midnight Sun, Part 4: His Lord's Banner; Midnight Sun, Part 5: One Son Lost; Midnight Sun, Part 6: This Trap, My Body; Swimming With Sharks; Taking Civil Liberties, Part 1; Taking Civil Liberties, Part 2; Taking it to the Streets, Part 1; Taking it to the Streets, Part 2; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Illinois, Part 1; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Illinois, Part 2; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Illinois, Part 3; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Illinois, Part 4L