Uncanny X-Men (1963-2011)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
109B February, 1978 Home are the Heroes!; UK Edition; Cover by Dave CockrumL
111B June, 1978 Mindgames!; UK Edition; Cover by Dave CockrumL
112B August, 1978 Magneto Triumphant!; UK Edition; Cover by George PerezL
113B September, 1978 Showdown!; UK Edition; Cover by John ByrneL
114B October, 1978 Desolation; UK Edition; Cover by John ByrneL
115B November, 1978 Visions of Death!; UK Edition; Cover by John ByrneL
116B December, 1978 To Save the Savage Land; UK Edition; Cover by John ByrneL