Thor By Walter Simonson Omnibus (2011)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
HCA April, 2011 A Fool and His Hammer...; A New Deal From an Old Deck or: The Credit Card Soldiers; Balder the Beautiful; Balder the Betrayed; Balder the Warrior; Debts of Honor!; Doom II; Doom!; For Whom the Belles Troll...; Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (or: It's Not Easy Being Green!); Heroes Always Win... Don't They?; If I Should Die Before I Wake...!; Into the Realm of Faerie!; Into the Valley of Death!; Journey Into Mystery; Like a Bat Out of Hel!; Mjolnir's Song; Mutant Massacre, Part 6: The Gift of Death; Mutant Massacre, Part 8: Fires of the Night!; Peace on Earth...; Pickin' Up the Pieces; Ragnarok and Roll!; Ragnarok and Roll, Too!; Ragnarok and Ruin!; Shadows of the Past; Sir; Something Old, Something New...; Tales of Midgard: Tales of Midgard, Home of the Amazing Human Race; That Was No Lady!; The Dark and the Light; The Eye of the Beholder; The Grand Alliance! (or: Life With Loki!!!); The Harvest of the Seasons; The Icy Hearts (or: My Dinners With Thor!); The Last Viking; The Past is a Bucket of Ashes; The Quick and the Dead!; The Sword of Frey; The Wild Hunt!; There Were Giants in Those Days (or: A Discourse Between Heroes and Villains); This Hollowed Armor!; This Kurse'd Earth...!; Thor Croaks!; Though Hel Should Bar the Way!; Whatever Happened to Balder the Brave?; When Dalliance Was in Flower, or: Take the Cash and Let the Credit Go; When Loki Stood Alone!; Without Justice, There is No Peace!; Ye Olde Shelle Game!; Cover by Walter Simonson - 'Walt Simonson'L
HCB April, 2011 A Fool and His Hammer...; A New Deal From an Old Deck or: The Credit Card Soldiers; Balder the Beautiful; Balder the Betrayed; Balder the Warrior; Debts of Honor!; Doom II; Doom!; For Whom the Belles Troll...; Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (or: It's Not Easy Being Green!); Heroes Always Win... Don't They?; If I Should Die Before I Wake...!; Into the Realm of Faerie!; Into the Valley of Death!; Journey Into Mystery; Like a Bat Out of Hel!; Mjolnir's Song; Mutant Massacre, Part 6: The Gift of Death; Mutant Massacre, Part 8: Fires of the Night!; Peace on Earth...; Pickin' Up the Pieces; Ragnarok and Roll!; Ragnarok and Roll, Too!; Ragnarok and Ruin!; Shadows of the Past; Sir; Something Old, Something New...; Tales of Midgard: Tales of Midgard, Home of the Amazing Human Race; That Was No Lady!; The Dark and the Light; The Eye of the Beholder; The Grand Alliance! (or: Life With Loki!!!); The Harvest of the Seasons; The Icy Hearts (or: My Dinners With Thor!); The Last Viking; The Past is a Bucket of Ashes; The Quick and the Dead!; The Sword of Frey; The Wild Hunt!; There Were Giants in Those Days (or: A Discourse Between Heroes and Villains); This Hollowed Armor!; This Kurse'd Earth...!; Thor Croaks!; Though Hel Should Bar the Way!; Whatever Happened to Balder the Brave?; When Dalliance Was in Flower, or: Take the Cash and Let the Credit Go; When Loki Stood Alone!; Without Justice, There is No Peace!; Ye Olde Shelle Game!; Cover by Walter Simonson - 'Walt Simonson'L
HCC October, 2017 A Fool and His Hammer...; A New Deal From an Old Deck or: The Credit Card Soldiers; Balder the Beautiful; Balder the Betrayed; Balder the Warrior; Debts of Honor!; Doom II; Doom!; For Whom the Belles Troll...; Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (or: It's Not Easy Being Green!); Heroes Always Win... Don't They?; If I Should Die Before I Wake...!; Into the Realm of Faerie!; Into the Valley of Death!; Journey Into Mystery; Like a Bat Out of Hel!; Mjolnir's Song; Mutant Massacre, Part 6: The Gift of Death; Mutant Massacre, Part 8: Fires of the Night!; Peace on Earth...; Pickin' Up the Pieces; Ragnarok and Roll!; Ragnarok and Roll, Too!; Ragnarok and Ruin!; Shadows of the Past; Sir; Something Old, Something New...; Tales of Midgard: Tales of Midgard, Home of the Amazing Human Race; That Was No Lady!; The Dark and the Light; The Eye of the Beholder; The Grand Alliance! (or: Life With Loki!!!); The Harvest of the Seasons; The Icy Hearts (or: My Dinners With Thor!); The Last Viking; The Past is a Bucket of Ashes; The Quick and the Dead!; The Sword of Frey; The Wild Hunt!; There Were Giants in Those Days (or: A Discourse Between Heroes and Villains); This Hollowed Armor!; This Kurse'd Earth...!; Thor Croaks!; Though Hel Should Bar the Way!; Whatever Happened to Balder the Brave?; When Dalliance Was in Flower, or: Take the Cash and Let the Credit Go; When Loki Stood Alone!; Without Justice, There is No Peace!; Ye Olde Shelle Game!; New Printing; Cover by Walter Simonson - 'Walt Simonson'N