Batman: Black and White (1996)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
TP Vol 3 September, 2008 20 Days Less One; 24/7; Bugged Out; Cavernous; Clean; Factor of Fear; Fear of Success; Innocent Until; Knight Moves, Part 1: The Queen is Dead; Knight Moves, Part 2: Castling; Knight Moves, Part 3: Checkmate; Knights Passed, Part 1: Batgirl and Robin; Knights Passed, Part 2: Body of Evidence; Knights Passed, Part 3: Fathers and Sons; Matatoa, Part 2; Murderer? Positive I.D.; No Exit; Retribution, Part 1: Sons and Lovers; Retribution, Part 2: Contested; Rubber Soul; Scared Straight; Spoiler Space; Tabula Rasa; Tabula Rasa, Part 1: Skin Trade; Tabula Rasa, Part 2: Pain and Ink; Tabula Rasa, Part 3: Pix; The Devil You Know; The Mortician, Part 1; The Mortician, Part 2: Zombie Zero; Turnabout, Part 1; Veritas Liberat, Part 1: King of the Mountain; Veritas Liberat, Part 3: The Redeemer; Veritas Liberate, Part 2: Family Reunion; Cover by Frank MillerL