G.I. Combat (1952-1987)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
55 December, 1957 Combat Tag; Call for a Gunner; Count the Steps to War; The Floating Street; Cover by Jerry GrandenettiL
147 May, 1971 Rebel Tank; Sniper's Roost; Tin Pot Listening Post!; Broomstick Pilot; Battle Window; Target for an Ammo Boy; Cover by Joe KubertL
152 March, 1972 Decoy Tank; Dreams; The Flying Tigers; The Psalm of the K Ration; The War Comes to Matt Dobbs; Heinkel; Cover by Joe KubertL
154 July, 1972 Battle Prize; Frogman Battleground; Night Attack; Count on Me; The Jungleers; Cover by Joe KubertL