Detective Comics (1937-2011, 2016-Present)
Iss # Published Issue InfoImg
437 November, 1973 Deathmask!; The Himalayan IncidentL
443 November, 1974 The Spectre; The End of Sports!; The Coming of the Creeper!, Part 1; The Secret of Hunter's Inn!; The Coming of the Creeper!, Part 2; Gotterdammerung; Cover by Jim AparoL
600B May, 1989 Blind Justice, Part 5: Hidden Agendas; Blind Justice, Part 6: Covert Operations; Blind Justice, Part 7: Ulterior Motives; Tribute: People of Note Pay Homage to the Batman; Cover by Denys CowanL
600B May, 1989 Blind Justice, Part 5: Hidden Agendas; Blind Justice, Part 6: Covert Operations; Blind Justice, Part 7: Ulterior Motives; Tribute: People of Note Pay Homage to the Batman; Cover by Denys CowanL