A chance encounter with two traumatized children leaves Peter Parker haunted by one question: 'What's the matter with Mommy?' But his search for an answer finds him trapped in the Mad Dog Ward, an asylum for killers, psychopaths - and people who think they're super heroes! As the drugs kick in, Peter's grasp on reality dissolves and his memories of Spider-Man fade. Can he piece his double identity back together, discover the horrible truth behind the Mad Dog Ward and reunite a mother with her family? And if he can, will he only succeed in unleashing a deluded and dangerous new super hero on an unsuspecting world?
by Marvel Comics
Published October, 2013 (Modern Age) by Marvel Comics and went on sale October 23, 2013 for $19.99 USD. This issue contains 144 pages in Color, the current NM value is $20.00 USD.
ISBN-13: 9780785185031