Batman Begins explores the origins of the Batman legend and the Dark Knight's emergence as a force for good in Gotham. collection that also features a quartet of classic Batman tales! In addition to the Warner Bros. Pictures movie adaptation by Scott Beatty (BATGIRL: YEAR ONE), Kilian Plunkett (SUPERMAN: RED SON) & Serge LaPointe, this volume also includes a rare Batman story from SECRET ORIGINS TP by Dennis O'Neil and Dick Giordano, plus stories from DETECTIVE COMICS #757 by Greg Rucka, Rick Burchett & Rodney Ramos, BATMAN #604 by Ed Brubaker, Scott McDaniel & Andy Owens, and BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #168 by Bill Willingham & Tom Fowler!
by DC Comics
Published June, 2005 (Modern Age) by DC Comics and went on sale in 2005 for $12.99 USD. This issue contains 160 pages in Color, the current NM value is $13.00 USD.
ISBN-10: 1401204406
A great mix of stories celebrating not just the origin of the Batman but also of what makes a Batman. A worthy addition to my Batman collection of comics. Only it's not the feature that makes this book worth owning--- it's the backup material! In fact, I'd rather lose the comic adaptation and just add 3-4 more similar tales to the quartet of additional works!