Published ________, 1999 (Modern Age) by Marvel Comics and went on sale in 1999 for $16.99 USD. This issue contains 544 pages in Black & White, the current NM value is $17.00 USD.
UPC: ISBN-10: ISBN-13:
Issue Story(s)
A Skrull Walks Among Us!
A Visit With the Fantastic Four
Captives of the Deadly Duo! / When Super-Menaces Unite / When Friends Fall Out! / Trapped! / The End...Or the Beginning? (Pages )
Defeated By Doctor Doom!
Prisoners of Doctor Doom! / Back to the Past! / On the Trail of Blackbeard / Battle! / The Vengeance of Doctor Doom! (Pages )
Prisoners of Kurrgo, Master of Planet X / Outlawed! / Bound For Planet X! / Twenty Four Hours Till Zero! / The End of Planet X! (Pages )
Prisoners of the Pharaoh!
Prisoners of the Puppet Master! / The Hands of the Puppet Maker / The Lady and the Monster! / Face-to-Face With the Puppet Master! / Death of a Puppet! (Pages )
Sub-Mariner and the Merciless Puppet Master
Sub-Mariner Versus the Human Race!
The Coming of... Sub-Mariner! / On the Trail of the Torch! / Enter the Sub-Mariner! / Let the World Beware! / Sub-Mariner's Revenge! / Return to the Deep! (Pages )
The End of the Fantastic Four! / Sub-Mariner Gives the Orders! / The Fury of Mr. Fantastic / The Flame of Battle / Vengeance is Ours! (Pages )
The Fantastic Four
The Fantastic Four Meet Spider-Man!
The Fantastic Four Meet the Skrulls From Outer Space! / Prisoner of the Skrulls / The Fantastic Four Fight Back! / The Fantastic Four... Captured! (Pages )
The Impossible Man
The Incredible Hulk
The Mad Thinker and His Awesome Android!
The Menace of the Miracle Man / The Monster Lives! / The Flame That Died! / In the Shadow of Defeat! / The Final Challenge! (Pages )
The Micro-World of Doctor Doom!
The Mysterious Molecule Man!
The Red Ghost and His Indescribable Super-Apes!
The Return of Doctor Doom! / Back From the Dead! / The End of Mr. Fantastic? / No Place to Turn! / The Real Doctor Doom! (Pages )
Spider-Man vs. the Chameleon!
The Fantastic Four! / The Fantastic Four Meet the Mole Man! / The Moleman's Secret! (Pages 1-32)