Discover the secret origin of the Device in this special stand-alone issue. In the mythical city of Aztlan, the Device brings a reluctant young priest face-to-face with the fate of his people and reveals the mysterious future of a young woman who will not be born for another 900 years. A young woman named Blythe...
by DC Comics
Published August, 2009 (Modern Age) by DC Comics/Vertigo Comics and went on sale June 17, 2009 for $2.99 USD. This issue contains 32 pages in Color, the current NM value is $3.00 USD. The publisher has rated this issue Mature/Adult.
UPC: 76194126586501011
This feels like a throw-away issue. Unless Zayn's brother ends up being this Luc . . . then perhaps its a bit better. Following up last issues Meh-ness, I'm hoping the title gets back on track for me. I even thought the art was less than great this issue. It almost feels like there's a different artist on this issue (there is. not). As far as one-off's go, it sure feels like it.