Following the events of Captain America #600, Steve Rogers' closest friends and allies may have found a way to bring back the original Captain America. Or is what they found something more sinister? The Red Skull's greatest plan to destroy Captain America has been in motion and its completion is almost at hand. Will Captain America be lost forever or will he be REBORN?
by Marvel Comics
Published September, 2009 (Modern Age) by Marvel Comics and went on sale July 01, 2009 for $3.99 USD. This issue contains 48 pages in Color, the current NM value is $4.00 USD. The publisher has rated this issue T+ (9+).
UPC: 75960606834000111
Bryan Hitch Cover 50/50 Alex Ross Cover 50/50 John Cassaday Variant B & W Variant
Marvel Comics - September 2009 - $3.99 - 32 pgs - Color
Writer: Ed Brubaker - Art: Bryan Hitch/Butch Guice - 50/50 Covers: Bryan Hitch/Alex Ross
Synopsis: Sooooooooo...We have ANOTHER recap/flashback for half an issue, and then finally we get to some story telling. Basically, Sharon has shared that she believes Captain America can be idea that came to her as memory has returned since her ordeal with the Red Skull. A team is assembled to break onto a H.A.M.M.E.R. base to find the equipment Sharon believes was used to make Captain America disappear. Norman Osborn is of course involved, and seen talking to Zola about the whereabouts of Captain America, who is apparently "unstuck" in time.
Review: I think this is the third Captain America book to give us a recap of everything Brubaker has done up to this point, please make it stop!!!! Despite my frustration about that, I do have to admit some actual advancement in the story did take place. I'm not sure I completely understand how it is Steve is somehow trapped in time, but I imagine as the story develops I will start to get it. Art was decent, and each of the covers aren't too bad. I will say that the Ross cover was not his most impressive work, it just looks a little funny without the legs. There are a few more variants, but I couldn't find images for them.
Story: 7.5 - Writing: 8.5 - Art: 9 - 50/50 Covers: 8.5
Overall: 8.375
Continue Reading »I knew that Cap was too good to be gone forever but...gotta say I was reluctant cause the way some of these heroes come back is just plain old dumb...but this one seem to be decent...good read...excited to see what happens next...
Can't tell if this will be good or not...I DO know that I am sick of Brubaker retelling everything he has written up to this point! Please get on with the storytelling!!