The chronicle of the Marvel Universe is filled with mind-blowing events - and, in this book, we begin recording them in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe-style! Covering events from all eras of Marvel history! The Earth-shaking (The Great Cataclysm! World War II! House of M/M-Day!), the universe-changing (Operation: Galactic Storm! The Annihilation War! War of Kings!) and other significant moments in the lives of your favorite Marvel characters (the Richards/Storm Wedding! Lost in Space Time! Armor Wars!). Plus many more! Featuring new art by Gus Vazquez!
by Marvel Comics
Published March, 2011 (Modern Age) by Marvel Comics and went on sale January 26, 2011 for $4.99 USD. This issue contains 64 pages in Color, the current NM value is $5.00 USD. The publisher has rated this issue T+ (9+).