With Ellen and Cliff's lives hanging in the balance, Buddy finally faces off against The Hunters Three! But the fight doesn't go as planned, causing the Baker family to go on the run. What dark new threat is chasing them - and why? Find out as the first arc of DC's surprise breakout hit comes to a startling conclusion!
by DC Comics
Published March, 2012 (Modern Age) by DC Comics and went on sale January 04, 2012 for $2.99 USD. This issue contains 32 pages in Color, the current NM value is $3.00 USD.
I read this completely out of order, but it was the only one I could pick up at Planet Comicon! Disturbingly awesome. I want to read more, and hope to read the other issues someday!
This is exactly what the current plot needed: Something to show that Maxine is not the all-powerful and all-knowing god-child. And perfect timing too. There were also good moments from just about every member of the supporting cast as the situation degenerated from bad to near-apocalyptic. This was a good taste of how deadly an enemy the Rot is going to be, and it was delivered with good fast pacing and some unexpected twists.
Very intense! The Rot scores a point with their deception. Tricking Little Wing (one of the cutest most endearing new superheros in a while) into letting the rot enter the red the most grotestque Hunters Three accomplish their mission. If those words strung together seem like a strange review, well, that's because this is a bizarre story. It's just right for me honestly.