Continues directly out of this month's GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS ANNUAL #1! • Jediah Caul, a disgraced Green Lantern stripped of his power ring, is hunted for sport on a televised reality show! • With nothing but his training as a GL and whatever weapons he can scavenge, can Caul not only survive these games but win back his self-respect? • Plus, in the backup story: What happens when Larfleeze, the ultimate hoarder, is robbed...of everything!
by DC Comics
Published March, 2013 (Modern Age) by DC Comics and went on sale January 16, 2013 for $100.00 USD. This issue contains 40 pages in Color, the current NM value is $100.00 USD. The publisher has rated this issue T (12+).
Additional Issue Information:Incentive Cover
UPC: 76194131159300121