The PROLOGUE TO TRINITY WAR continues as a revelation about Pandora's Box could destroy Wonder Woman and Superman's relationship!
by DC Comics
Published July, 2013 (Modern Age) by DC Comics and went on sale May 22, 2013 for $50.00 USD. This issue contains 40 pages in Color, the current NM value is $50.00 USD. The publisher has rated this issue T (12+).
Additional Issue Information:Sketch Cover
UPC: 76194130593602031
An excellent issue featuring both great action and the addition of key secondary characters. Amazing artwork. The backup feature about Shazam's fight with Black Adam is noteworthy since it finally appears to be coming to a head. At this point it had been going on for many months, but the wait was certainly worth it.
One of my favorite things about Blackest Night/Brightest Day, was that it put the spotlight front and center on 'minor' characters, like Atom, Hawkman, Firestorm, Manhunter, even Deadman. This issue of JL really brought that to the forefront, with Manhunter swooping in to save the day, and Atom playing a major, nay, a hugely pivotal role in the relationship between JL and JLA and the war to come. Rhonda Pineda makes a wonderful Atom! Meanwhile, Bruce and Clark have a touching moment, and Bruce reveals that WW might be the big danger, since Clark is her only weakness--that's what's got everybody in arms about their relationship! Despero is wickedly defeated, and the stage is set. Come on, DC, bring the Trinity War on!