Archie Varsity Edition Omnibus #HC Vol 1

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ARCHIE, one of the longest-running titles in comic book history, is rebooted here in this full-color collection that brings together top creators in comics to create a new and definitive take on the classic characters. This book captures the bite and hilarious edge of Archie's original tales in a modern, forward-looking manner, while still retaining the character's all-ages appeal. ARCHIE: VARSITY EDITION VOL. 1 is the premium, hardcover collection of issues #1 - 12 of the best-selling ARCHIE series by Mark Waid.

Release Information

Published February, 2019 (Modern Age) by Archie Comics and went on sale February 20, 2019 for $34.99 USD. This issue contains ____ pages in ____, the current NM value is $34.99 USD.


Issue Story(s)
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Event(s)/Story Arc(s)
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Interior Penciler(s)
Interior Letterer(s)
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Interior Inker(s)
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Interior Colorist(s)
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Cover Penciler(s)
Cover Letterer(s)
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Cover Inker(s)
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Cover Colorist(s)
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Character Appearance
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Team Appearance
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Cameo Appearance
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Character's 1st Appearance
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Team's 1st Appearance
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Collected/Reprinted In
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Accessories, Features & Bonus Items
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Archie Varsity Edition Omnibus #HC Vol 1
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