Friday Foster Collected #HC

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The Friday Foster comic strip is the story of a former nightclub "camera bunny" turned photographer's assistant turned fashion model. With an innate inclination to help others and a natural beauty that makes her a magnet for men, Friday often finds herself in some very sticky situations and world-class adventures. The strip is generally cited as the first mainstream (i.e. nationally syndicated) comic strip starring a black character in the title role and features a mixture of adventure and romance, often with social commentary thrown in for good measure. The strip ran from 1970-1974.
by Ablaze Media

Release Information

Published December, 2021 (Modern Age) by Ablaze Media and went on sale December 14, 2021 for $39.99 USD. This issue contains ____ pages in ____, the current NM value is $39.99 USD.

ISBN-13: 9781950912063

Issue Story(s)
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Event(s)/Story Arc(s)
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Interior Penciler(s)
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Interior Letterer(s)
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Interior Inker(s)
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Interior Colorist(s)
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Cover Penciler(s)
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Cover Letterer(s)
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Cover Inker(s)
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Cover Colorist(s)
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Character Appearance
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Team Appearance
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Cameo Appearance
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Character's 1st Appearance
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Team's 1st Appearance
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Collected/Reprinted In
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Accessories, Features & Bonus Items
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Ratings and Reviews
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Friday Foster Collected #HC
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