Say What?! – Stuff from comics you won’t believe exists #74
Jan 24, 2012 by     Comments Off on Say What?! – Stuff from comics you won’t believe exists #74    Posted In: Say What?!

This ad from Sensational She-Hulk #1 announces the coming of a role-playing game so manly, so filled with muscle and sweat and testosterone, it had to be named accordingly! Introducing FIST!


FIST! It’s so macho and manly we had to put a naked fire-breathing demon in this ad so all the pansy pants would run in fear from the manliest RPG for men! We also capitalized all the important manly and threatening words in the ad copy. The ad copy is so manly if you read all the capitalized words the demon pictured here will come to your house and beat your zit face with the mantle of his fire sword. FIST DUNGEON YOU YOU REAL GOLD! ROAR FLESH-EATER SIZZLE FIREBALL CHINKING GOLD PIECES! RAAAAAH!

This telephone gaming format is so manly it created a “new dimension”. That’s right, the 5th dimension is FIST you theoretical physics weakling! This game is so manly, there’s no way it won’t survive the advent of the internet or the XBOX 360! See you in the manly future, nerd!


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