Crowd Funding Flash: Rocket Girl
May 15, 2013 by     Comments Off on Crowd Funding Flash: Rocket Girl    Posted In: Crowd Funding Flash, Kickstarter Spotlight

kickstarter-logoIt’s Blade Runner meets Back to the Future in the latest Kickstarter project from the writer/artist duo of Brandon Montclare and Amy Reeder: Rocket Girl .When we last saw this creative team, they had successfully funded, and very quickly fulfilled their Halloween Eve project on Kickstarter. That rapid success allowed them to go through with a deal with Image Comics, to pick up the book for mass distribution.

This time, things are a little different.  Rocket Girl stars a high-tech female teen cop sent back to 1986 and is set to be an ongoing series!  The first issue, which is already written, is due out in October for teens and adults alike.


What’s the Money for? So, if the first issue is already done, why raise money? Simple: production costs… plus you gotta love Kickstarter reward levels! The project will not fall behind because the creators are working on the first 5-issue arc. Also like Later in the summer we’ll be announcing Halloween Eve a publisher will be announced after the fundraising is over. However,  there’s no publishers financing, which is why this fundraising is underway.

The Goodies: Basic rewards include a digital copy of the book for $9, a physical copy for just a dollar more along with exclusive print art. Where things really get interesting is at the  $40 Rocket Girl t-shirt along with the comic and exclusive print is available. Other reward packages include Halloween Eve incentives, for those who missed out on that fundraiser last year, and multiple copy packages for retailers who would like to support the book.

Sign Me Up! This Kickstarter began less than a week ago, and is close to raising it’s goal. So, now, it’s a matter of seeing what stretch goals may appear over the next month and what more could be in store for those who get in on the ground floor of this female lead series. You can visit the Rocket Girl Kickstarter page and follow along with the creators are Twitter @bmontclare & @amyreeder. The fundraising deadline is June 7, 2013.


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