Local Creator Spotlight on: Danica Brine, Moncton, NB, Canada
Feb 2, 2012 by     1 Comment     Posted In: Interviews

Danica Brine Comic artistWorking out of Moncton, New-Brunswick, french-Canadian artist Danica Brine has had work published in Europe and is currently nearing the end of her first Graphic Novel, “Nuit Blanche, Magie Noire”. StashMyComics.com interviewed Danica.

StashMyComics.com: How long have you been an artist Danica?

Danica Brine: I guess you could say that I have been interested in art for a very long time. As a child I would constantly be filling colouring books of my favorite Disney movies. Later on, I started drawing and doodling on my own. What inspired me to draw characters and such was of course animated movies and I was a Sailor Moon fanatic. In middle school I would draw my own anime characters. As I got older I experimented with different styles…So I guess the answer to this question would be : forever !

SMC: What compels you to make comics as opposed to commercial illustration or “fine arts”?

DB: Well the main reason would be because I love storytelling. Drawing pictures to tell a story is an creative way to convey emotion that everyone can relate to and understand. A picture is worth a thousand words, am I right ? I have done commercial work as contacts in the past, it`s fine and all… But let`s face it, I am an artist and I love to draw !

SMC: What influences do you draw from in regards to artists, creators, story ideas, etc.?

DB: I have many many artists, creators and writers that I love. Naming them all would take 10 pages ! I guess as far as North American artists go, I love Joe Kubert, Jim Cheung, and Chris Sprouse‘s work. I have many European (French, Belgian, Italian and Spanish) inspirations like Juanjo Guarnido, Matthieu BonhommeMontse Martin, Alex Alice. In addition, I follow some Japanese artists like Takeshi Obata and Takehiko Inoue. For creators and writers, I envy anyone who can publish their own work as a whole, I would love to give that a try one day. My favorite writers are Fabien Vehlmann in french BD, Tsugumi Ohba in manga and Robert Kirkman in north American comics.

SMC:  What projects are you currently working on?

A page of art from Nuit Blanche, Magie Noire by Danica BrineDB: I am wrapping up my very first full graphic novel as an artist ! It is called “Nuit Blanche, Magie Noire” accompanied with Katia Even, a french writer. The story is set in 1920`s Paris at the murder scene of a famous sculptor. Louise, the main character, a young homosexual woman is being persecuted for a murder she never comitted, the Inspector thinks otherwise…Other mysterious nuances are unraveled as the story develops, like voodoo magic and “frowned upon” love…The book is of course a french BD, large hardcover format set to be released in Europe in March of this year by Editions Le Stylo Bulle. There is no Canadian distributor, but I will have copies to sell on my own. Keep an eye out for it at your local comic shops in the spring of 2012 ! I am also working on a small sci-fi spoof comic called “Les Voyageurs de Houston” over at Oniric Comics which is being published in a short story magazine, released quarterly in France.

SMC: Can you show us a bit of your work?

DB: Here is a link to my website : www.danicabrine.com. There is new updates on stuff to come soon !


SMC: What is your process for planning out a story in comic form?


DB: Well with Nuit Blanche, Magie Noire for example, I would take the script and storyboard it page per page. Once the storyboards are approved by my editor and writer, I move on to penciling my page at a larger scale. Once the pencils are approved, I start inking. In my case on this project, I was also responsible of adding in the word balloons and the text. When that’s done the page is ready for the colorist. Although process differ form project to project, this formula  stays pretty well the same.

SMC: What is your goal with your career?

A page from Nuit Blanche, Magie Noire by Danica Brine and KatiaDB: First and foremost, get to hold my first book in my hands. I guess after that, just keep working on new projects, either in Europe or here in North America. I am currently working on my own project, I would love to be able to finalize it someday and find a Canadian publisher.


What comics are you currently reading that folks should check out?


DB: I recently read the new “Valve Presents” hardcover graphic novel. I was great, a definite read for whoever is a fan of the Valve games (L4D,TF2 and Portal)! Other I also read alot of comic and graphic novel technique guides on drawing, storytelling ect. For example, the Will Eisner guides. Other than that, I have a whole load of new trades to still read…I just have to find time soon and check them out !


What have you found most useful for honing your talent?

DB: Plain and simple : Hard work, sweat and tears. I dont believe in talent. I would rather say aptitude and loving something enough to do it everyday. More importantly loving it so much that no matter how hard it can get somedays, you still love getting back into to it the next morning.

SMC: If you could have dinner with any person, real or fictional, alive or dead, who would it be and what would you serve them?

DB: I would probably have to say one of my ancestors, I would love to know who they were, how they lived in 18th century Acadie. I would probably serve them “tourtiere” or meat pie…Not sure how a 250 + year old person would adjust to fast food like a quarter-pounder at MacDonalds…Might send them back moaning…ahahahaha.

SMC: Who wins in a fight between Tintin and Archie?

DB: Tintin definitely. Have you seen that kid ? He gets knockout or gets the cloth full of chloroform in the face at least 4 times every book and he’s still kickin’! Little Belgian reporter has got something special in him !


1 Comment Add Comment

  • chipreece February 2, 2012 at 11:57 pm

    Love this! Great feature Jason, I love reading about local talent. Her work is high class!