Reviews: Strange Nation #5
Mar 14, 2014 by     Comments Off on Reviews: Strange Nation #5    Posted In: Reviews

MonkeyBrain LogoCryptids, urban legends, conspiracies and more are brought to light in Strange Nation,  the MonkeyBrain book from writer Paul Allor and artist Juan Romera. Following Norma Park as she loses her mainstream journalism career over a crazy conspiracy, it mixes crazy tabloid stories with character drama to make a unique story full of crazy creatures and insane conspiracies.

In this issue, Norma fights for her life as Dumacorp attempts to silence her after the destruction of Sydsville. Jessie sings a tune that might be familiar, but with a strange twist. Norma rejects what’s easy to do to do what’s right and brings even more trouble on herself before it’s over with. All this and more in just 12 pages!Strange Nation #5 Cover

Allor is steadily building the mystery of Strange Nation. DumaCorp is being further steeped in shady practices and mystery, while Merc, Norma, and the rest are being fleshed out as real characters.The way Allor’s connected sasquatches, aliens, and cults so easily together in this world is great. The gag with Jessie in the office building, singing a twist on an Elvis staple, is just perfect. Romera continues to make Strange Nation look just so great. His style fits well with the various cryptids that he has to draw, making them recognizable but also something all his own. It strikes a fine balance between realism and cartooning that will surely do the comic well as the story delves further into the crazy and unknown.This issue features a largely human cast, and Romera gives them as much character as the aliens and cryptids that he draws so very often.

Strange Nation, like many MonkeyBrain titles, is an incredibly imaginative and inventive book. While each issue is only a dozen or so pages, it often seems to contain more actual story than many of the larger companies can pack in 20 or 22 pages. And for just 99¢ on Comixology, it’s a fantastic deal. Issue 5 and all previous issues can be purchased right now!

Art: 9/10
Script: 9/10
Parental Concern: 15+, according to Comixology


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