Say What?! Things From Comics You Won’t Believe Exists #84
Oct 30, 2012 by     Comments Off on Say What?! Things From Comics You Won’t Believe Exists #84    Posted In: Say What?!

The Jersey Turnpike Is Murder

I don’t know about you, but I like to keep my morning drive as short as possible. I time the traffic, change lanes, and use every short cut I can find if it will save me five minutes getting into the office.

Who knew that super-villains did the same thing?

Red Skull Driving

However late you may be, if you see the Red Skull in a muscle car thundering up on your back bumper, I suggest you yield the fast lane. That kind of road rage nobody needs!

(Of course, all is not as it seems in this panel … for reasons too tedious to list, that’s not really the Red Skull behind the wheel, but this shot is too good to resist. Remember, when the legend becomes fact, print the legend!)

Brought to you by Longbox Graveyard — retro reviews and pop culture revelations from a world where it’s always 1978!


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