Review: GoGetters #1
Feb 19, 2014 by     Comments Off on Review: GoGetters #1    Posted In: Reviews

MonkeyBrain LogoAs part of MonkeyBrain’s seemingly constant quest to collect all the up-and-coming comic creators under their banner, yet another new title debuts this week. GoGetters is the collaboration of writer Shawn Aldridge and artist Chris Peterson telling the story of Maya, a retrieval expert, and her pet gorilla, George Harrison.

GoGetters #1 CoverThe issue starts with Maya and George Harrison rescuing some hostages from somewhere that might be Colombia. After neatly taking care of the situation and getting some fruit smoothies, the duo are off to Austin, TX, to get info on the next job before heading to the deserts of Egypt to retrieve a stolen coin. There’s a setup waiting, but good thing Maya has a giant gorilla.

Aldridge and Peterson seem to be working perfectly in sync. The ridiculous premise of a retrieval expert and her pet gorilla is executed deftly with both art and script. Maya and George Harrison have the feel of an old married couple, constantly and lovingly looking after one another. The fun of the story and comic exudes from the page, letting the reader bask in the ridiculous and grin from ear to ear. Peterson’s art gives George Harrison a lot of personality for a character who can only say, “ooooo”, giving him an extremely expressive face and sad gorilla eyes. I don’t know whose idea it was to have the big page “jump from the plane” scene, but the sheer ridiculousness of it, and the act of seeing a gorilla wear goggles and a scarf makes the comic that much more amazing.

GoGetters continues the quality streak of releases from MonkeyBrain. It’s a great comic full of action, adventure, and humor that’s sure to please most any comic fan. It’s sure to have the most pages of gorillas doing ridiculous things that 99¢ can get you. Be sure to buy it on Comixology.

 Art: 9/10
Script: 9/10
Parental Concern: Comixology says “12+”.


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