Say What?! – Stuff from comics you won’t believe exists #72
Jan 10, 2012 by     Comments Off on Say What?! – Stuff from comics you won’t believe exists #72    Posted In: Say What?!

So in Say What?! #71 you learned how your legs are fat and ugly and how to perform the proper exercise to fix yourself. Ha! That was 1965 moron! One year earlier, comics taught you how to get fat so they could then skinny you up!


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Don’t let them call you skinny by getting fat with a pill, twiggy pencil neck! You know it’s scientifical and all that because there’s a drawing of a guy intently looking at beekers. Also it’s hospital tested. Everyone signed waivers, even that one girl currently in a coma, so no angry letters.

This product is offered by “druggists” which is the exact same thing as a pharmacist minus the diploma and legal backing.

It’s suitable for women, men, girls and “convalescents”. Meaning that you can take this while in the hospital recovering from symptoms that are never in any way related to the taking of Wate-On. And we test this product on hospital patients so if you want a double dose during your stay look for wate-on sales associates. We’re the ones wearing shades.

By the way, Eva Six went on to have a brilliant hollywood career and appeared in not one, not two, but three whole movies watched by literally hundreds of people! And then she fixed her fat legs using this product and made a lot more “movies” to subsidise her $1000 per week Wate-On habit.

P.S: The name Wate-On was conjured up by a marketing team on a Monday after a weekend of drinking. “Whatever, just change the spelling of weight. I need to go hug a toilet.”


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